Monday, July 30, 2007

Virtual Tour!

After living here for over a year, I figured it was about time that I finally put up pictures! So for all of you who were just dying to see where LD lives today, this post is for you. Hopefully you will see how great my house is and decide to come visit!

As you probably guessed, the top picture is the outside of my house. According to the owners of this house, it was built in the late 1800's and survived the 1900 storm. It has since been converted into two apartments, up and down, and I live upstairs.

This is the neighbor dog, Lulu.

The first time I looked at this house, I fell in love with Lulu. She meets me at the gate every morning on my way to school and sticks her nose between the gate and the fence so I can pet her.

I don't have a picture of the neighbor cat, Simba, but he's worth mentioning because when I moved in he decided to take up residence on my front porch. Occasionally I even find him in my house (he's a sneaky one).

Ok, moving on.

These are the terribly narrow stairs that we had to move all of my furniture up. And by we I mean Corey and Luke. Praise God for strong boys.

This is my living room/dining room...

I love my kitchen...

The kitchen has a little breakfast nook and Kristin graciously donated this table and chairs to me.

Meliss and I recovered the chairs with this super cute fabric!

This is the impossibly small space that the washer and dryer fit in... if you didn't catch the story, this is the second washer/dryer set to be moved into this house. The first set didn't fit, and I had to buy another.

Melissa's cute pink room...

Our bathroom...

My room... as you can see, I've only managed to get one of my curtains up thus far. One of these days I'm going to get the rest up.

One of my favorite things about this house is the storage... we each have two closets! Fabulous.

Well, that's about it. Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sick Out

I'm not starting this post with a picture because it would ruin my dramatic effect. There will be a picture later... I promise.

Ok so I'm about to go to bed tonight and I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As I'm standing in the kitchen, with only the light from the refrigerator, pouring my water, I hear a noise. Not an ice dropping into the frezer noise, not a refrigerator gurgle noise, not an old house creaking noise, but a very much alive noise.

I freeze.

The noise stops.

I shut the fridge.

Noise again.. definitely alive, definitely scratching.

So I do what any normal female would do - I run for help.

This is how my conversation went with my roommate (who was asleep):
Me: Meliss, something is moving in the kitchen
Melissa: What?
Me: Something is MOVING in the kitchen
Melissa: Yeah, I got that much, WHAT is moving?
Me: I have no idea! A mouse? A roach? A very small person? GET UP!

Now we're in the kitchen, waiting for the noise.

Melissa stomps on the floor - scratching noise begins.

I grab the flashlight. Do I have overhead lighting? Yes. Do I think to use it? No.

Flashlights are much more mysterious.

We determine that the noise is definitely coming from the bottom cupboard where we keep the food. We think it's a mouse.

Melissa: I'm ok with it living in there until tomorrow.
Me: I'm not! We just bought that food!

Melissa climbs on the sink.

I grab the swiffer.

She opens the door.


I poke around with the swiffer.


Finally, it moves again. It's defintiely on Melissa's shelf.

I hand her the mop.

I don't know why I thought that cleaning supplies would help us.

Swiffer? Check. Mop? Check. Big scary moving thing in cupboard? Check.

Then I move some stuff around and I see this abomination:

That's right, the biggest, nastiest roach I have EVER seen. I've lived in this house for over a year and this is the first roach I have ever seen in it. Gross.

Then I had to kill it. I hit that thing 3 times with a shoe and it still drug itself around the shelf with one leg.

I want to vomit just thinking about it. Gross.

Melissa says "great. I WOULD get the roach shelf."


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

HOPE Group Love

This kid. I was going through a photo album of mine entitled "HOPE group" and I started laughing so hard that I decided to share. Most of the pictures in the album were taken by Hayden, thus most of the pictures are self-portraits.

There is also an entire series of photos of people from the neck down. I asked Hayden about these the day he took them and he said "I cut their heads off!" So funny.

I miss this floor.

Luke and D.O. gettin' schooled.

Fabulous faces.

If you thought those face-making skills were strictly from Heather, you were wrong.

These next ones are just cute...

Notice D.O.'s right pant leg...

One more self portrait.

Oh, HOPE group. I miss you guys. Terribly.