Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Goodbye Scott

I had to put Scott down today.

I cried like a baby in front of the vet.

I made my mom drive all the way down from Houston to go with me.

She took him home to bury in the yard.

So goodbye Scott.

Thanks for being the world's best gecko.

Whitney and I will miss you dearly.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Don't Hate Me...

Ok so I'm pretty sure I have become the worst blogger ever. Things have been kind of crazy since rotations started back up - I was on psych (I told you things were crazy) and now I'm in the HIV clinic, which I love.

To catch you up briefly since the last post...
Nicaragua was incredible. We saw around 550 patients in 3 days and many of those patients came to know Jesus! We had members from the church working alongside us to share the gospel and pray with the people as we ministered to them by meeting some of their medical needs. I promise to devote an entire post to the trip as soon as I get the rest of the pictures from Linda!

I went traveling. I drove to Baton Rouge to visit Sarah and Jared, and then to Fort Worth to see Lauren, Jen, and preggo Rachel! I had so much fun catching up with everyone!

Scott (the gecko) had surgery. Yes, I paid to have surgery performed on a GECKO. Go ahead, laugh. I know how ridiculous it sounds, but you haven't had him for 8 years! More about that later.

That's pretty much the skinny on what's been going on lately. I promise I will eventually get around to blogging more about the Nicaragua trip and Scott's surgery. Until then, here are some great links to keep you occupied. I would love to take credit for finding them, but really I stole them all from Liz Seay (Robbie Seay's wife and Jen Bacak's sister-in-law).

This is a music video by Brooke Frasier that I absolutely love. I just had a conversation about how you can't really understand third-world poverty until you've seen it with your own eyes.

I can't describe the smell of a slum, piles of burning garbage everywhere and sewage flowing freely through the streets. I can't explain the emptiness in the eyes of a child living on the streets who lost both parents to AIDS, now high on glue to escape reality. There just aren't words.

In the song Brooke says "now that I have seen, I am responsible - faith without deeds is dead." Well said, Brooke.

Here's a video about an orphanage in Bulgaria. I came across this on Liz's blog a few months ago and stayed up half the night watching it. My heart just broke for these precious children. How can we be silent in the midst of their suffering?

Finally, here's a link to a blog of someone who actually blogs. Her story is incredible. The Ripple Effect
Read the whole blog if you get a chance.

Ok, one more Brooke Frasier video!